Job Opportunities:
- Php programmer. - Java programmer.
- Systems Engineer. - Programmer working in Japan.
- Software engineer. - Mobile device programming.
1. Major: Software engineering
2. Major introduction
Specialized in training at the Faculty of Information Technology of Vietnam Maritime University with the goal of training IT engineers specializing in the software field. Qualified graduates will have knowledge and skills in the development and management of software projects: Analysis, design, development, implementation and maintenance of software systems as well as public research and development. tools and applications in the field of software engineering; Develop and manage software projects; Work skills and team leader in software development.
3. Why choose this major?
The program of software engineering has confirmed its quality through the following highlights:
The curriculum is built on the basis of information technology programs of top universities in Vietnam and in the world, updated regularly according to the development of the major.
Subject and Curriculum:
Details about the subject, materials and textbooks are provided to students at the beginning of the course.
The knowledge base is well-equipped
Focus on practical skills, creative thinking and career skills.
Promote ability to adapt to work, ability to work independently and to work in groups.
Improve English, communication skills ...
Teaching staff:
Qualified faculty graduates from reputable universities in the country and internationally; Experienced and practical.
Learner-centered teaching methods.
Information infrastructure system:
Information system: computers, network, practice rooms, simulators are always supplemented and equipped with modern equipment to meet training needs and ensure good quality and effective scientific research.
The companies and business partners always support students to practice, participate in the deployment of practical applications.
Career advancement:
Students are likely to receive employment during their studies.
Students are able to work immediately after graduation.
Ability to increase income and pay.
Opportunities to attend and receive scholarships from the programs of study, international exchanges.
4. Employment opportunities
With a broad background and deep knowledge, after graduation students can work in various positions according to the needs of society, such as universities, research institutes, agencies, enterprises domestic and international.
After graduation, students can undertake the following tasks:
Software Engineer.
Team leader in software development.
Software maintenance.
Software Testing Expert.
Ensure software quality
Software project management.
Lecturers, researchers
A list of top businesses that students practiced or worked
5. Do I fit?
To study in Software Engineering, besides self-learning ability, creative thinking ability, passion, learners must be able to adapt, take initiative and work in a team.
To apply for this program, applicants will choose to enroll in one or more groups: Math, Physics, Chemistry or Mathematics, Physics, English or Mathematics, Literature, English or Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology as university-college regulars of the Ministry of Education and Training.
6. Tuition & financial support
If different from the general level of the University, the Faculty / Institute / Company / Center please note specifically.
7. Training objectives
Give students the in-depth knowledge of software development and management skills.
Students are capable of analyzing, designing, manufacturing, implementing and maintaining software systems as well as researching, developing tools and applications in the field of software technology; Developing and managing software projects; Work skills and team leader skills in software development.
Students will have relevant social skills and knowledge, be able to work independently and in a team, be able to communicate in English for work, study and research.
8. Content of the program
The curriculum includes the following modules:
Major knowledge:
IT system analysis and design, Windows Programming, Information safety and privacy, Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems, Database Advanced, Introduction to software engineering, construction and project management information technology, architecture and software design, Testing and quality assurance software, Software requirements, cloud computing ...
Basic knowledge:
C Programming Techniques, Object Oriented Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Graphics, Databases, Computer Architecture and Peripherals, Microprocessor Technology, Principles of Computer Systems Computer Network, Data Transfer ...
Foreign Language:
English for Communication (TOEIC ) includes four skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing.
Other knowledge and skills:
General Law, University Learning Methods, Critical Thinking, Communication Skills, Research Methods, Gender and Development, Advanced Mathematics, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics.
9. Degree
Associate in Software Engineering (under the national qualifications system)